Miguel and Drake at the Tacoma Dome

A fact about me, I like almost any kind of music. Something you probably noticed in my photography, I don’t have any rappers in my portfolio. The hole in my portfolio wasn’t by choice, but from lack of opportunity. It wasn’t until noon Wednesday that I was informed that I was approved to photograph Drake and Miguel in Tacoma that evening. I seized the opportunity and drove south from Seattle to photograph my first rap show.

This was a tough shoot to say the least. For one, the sound board is usually the last place you want to shoot from as it puts so much distance from the photographer to the performer. Additionally, there is the unpredictable nature of what the crowd in front might do. Murphy’s Law prevailed and from the start of Drakes’ performance, the fans decided to stand on their chairs instead of the dome floor. I found myself bringing my monopod onto my step ladder to increase elevation and hope for the best. I came away from the shoot uncertain that I captured anything worthy but was surprised with several images that were timed just right.

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Miguel opens for Drake at the Tacoma Dome. Photo by John Lill

Miguel opens for Drake at the Tacoma Dome. Photo by John Lill

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